Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reason why I am against nuclear 我為何反對核能

兩年前 日本福島核爆  
接下來幾日 週遭亞洲國家草木皆兵 觀望日本這素來以乾淨健康長壽著名的國度..
對於鄰國的不幸 wiki與新聞皆描述的清楚仔細福島第一核電廠核災

(Japanese Bishop)日本主教於2011/11 發表一篇語重心長的文章 對象是所有日本國民 並呼籲政府不要再短視近利 應立即正視核能問題並廢除所有核電廠(原文在:
“This nuclear disaster............which was created because people put too much trust in science and technology without having the wisdom to know our limit.” (譯:“核災發生的導因就是因為人們過分相信科學與技術  而失去了衡量自我極限的智慧”)
"In order to protect life, which is so precious, and beautiful nature, we must not focus on economic growth by placing priority on profitability and efficiency, but decide at once to abolish nuclear plants." (這句有雷) (譯: 生命是如此可貴、完美的本質,為了捍衛生命,人類不可再短視近利於經濟成長而優先考量利益與效益 應立馬決定廢除核電廠) 
有了日本的前車之鑒 反觀台灣
從 美國華爾街日報  英國獨立報  法國世界報 台灣的核電廠都有上報..

Some people claim that nuclear energy is a green energy. Well, I personally disagree about that.有人說核能是綠色能源,恩,我個人不認同

First, the material waste is a radioactive  substance. As the studies showed, those substance would trigger the possibility of  cancer, especially the hemal one,  leukemia. Also, it might have caused the mutation on the gene and pass down in every organisms that have exposed into the radiation. 

首先,核廢料是 放 射 性 物 質。根據研究,核廢料會增加罹癌機率,尤其是血液相關的,如白血病。還有,會造成所有生物有機體的基因突變並遺傳後代。

Above those reasons, how could you claim that as "green"?


Then now, another question popped up, "once we abolish the nuclear plants, we need fire generating electric power plant to bring us energy. The fire electric plant will cause more pollution than the nuclear one. (And also, it's more expensive.)" 
Before introspecting our lifestyle, the truth is, yes.

We actually don't need so many electricity if we cling to a smart, subtle lifestyle, such as turning off ALL the unused electricity when you leave, SHUT down your electric equipment such as laptop when you're out, pluck up the charger in time(don't overuse it), etc.   

If everybody cling to this kind of lifestyle, how much energy could we save? Cling to the green life is so easy and simple, they are just consisted by little habits. So start it!

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